Strategic Plan
A Message from the Board Chair, August 2023
On behalf of the Albuquerque Academy Board of Trustees, I’m excited to announce the launch of our new strategic plan, Academy in Motion.
Created with input from faculty, students, parents, staff, alumni, and members of our broader community, this plan sets the course for the Academy’s future and lays out four areas of focus that will direct our attention and work over the next three years.
The board and school administration started work on the plan last summer. We opened the process to our community beginning in November 2022 and gathered feedback through surveys and a series of nine focus groups held in January and February 2023. We collected data, analyzed themes, and generated a framework that guides us into the future.
As we processed the diverse array of feedback and reflected on where we are, where we have been, and where we are going, it became clear that we should consolidate our efforts toward certain important themes. Albuquerque Academy is on a path that is ambitious and forward-thinking. We will lead, engage, invest, and grow in several key areas. The goals the Academy seeks to accomplish in each area of focus were created by the board and staff leadership in May 2023 and can be read in our new strategic plan.
With strong oversight from the Board of Trustees, the Academy leadership has been charged with identifying strategies and measurable objectives that will help achieve our goals. To move forward, we will continue to need your help. We will require strong partnerships with others who share a love for the Academy. We will need talented, committed people from diverse backgrounds and from all eras of the Academy to contribute their passions, creativity, and resources to help us achieve the goals outlined in the Academy in Motion.
Thank you for being a vital partner in this critical work.
Diane Harrison Ogawa
Chair, Board of Trustees